

This course is designed to show how “scribbling” can help you to have the right mindset and improve your drawing.


The key points of the scribbling approach:

  1. You remove all expectations 
  2. You bypass your preconceptions of what drawing should be, precise etc.
  3. You disrupt your physical and cognitive habits.
  4. You connect with your inner child.
  5. Your drawing will focus more on response and investigation rather than execution.
  6. There will be more life and energy in your drawing.


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To scribble – “a piece of writing or a picture produced carelessly or hurriedly”.


But I look at it differently.

It says “careless”, well, if that means without thought or consideration, I agree. We shouldn’t think about what we see when we draw. Analysing and comparing it with what we know and understand. If scribbling bypasses the brain then that’s exactly what needs to happen. As for “hurriedly”, scribbling isn’t something you do slowly and with precision. By its very nature it has to be done quickly.


The term “scribbling” is used to demean and dismiss something as worthless, and that is where the power of the word lies.


If you say you are going to draw, depending where you are on your journey as an artist, you will load all kinds of expectations into your subconscious before you start.


If you say you are going to sketch, the same thing happens, but perhaps it’s less about precision.


However, when you say you are going to scribble you load nothing into your subconscious. The word “scribble” hasn’t been coded into your brain as having any value or expectations attached to it. So you are free to make marks without fear of failure and experience something more akin to what a child would when they create.


Now you may agree with the dictionary definition. You may see the act of scribbling as worthless. But think of it as a Trojan horse. A way to connect with your creative consciousness without the brain noticing. Sneaky 🙂 


I talk about “having the right mindset” all the time. About zero expectations and responsive mark making and “scribbling” is one of the techniques I use.


My latest course is designed to show how “scribbling” can help you to have the right mindset and improve your drawing.